For people who have lost their shape can get back into shape for which a perfect plan has to be cut out, it has to be planned in such a way that this plan will enable losing all the unnecessary fat. It has to be understood that this diet plan which is being etched will not include any harmful food which will promote the body in storing fat which usually means foods like sugar, processed foods and alcohol.
This plan which is being made up usually includes foods like lean meat, fish, chicken, turkey and some fresh vegetables, the main part about this plan is that it has been cut out thinking that the body is usually lean and fit nothing like a fat and lazy one. Processed foods are known to contaminate the body forcing additional fat to be stuck at usually flat stomach, hips, thighs and bum but for the body to quickly lose all the unnecessary fat it is necessary to stop intake of these foods which pollute the body.
Though all the processed food is cut down it is also necessary to first believe that you can do it that have to be supported by some changes to the diet in order to get flat belly at faster rate.
♦ Avoid CRAP: Keep distance from four main foods which are known to the prime ones to force fat onto the body which are Caffeine, Refined Sugar, Alcohol and Processed foods.
♦ Indulge in fat food weekly once: There is no harm done to the body if any fancy food can be eaten once a week as long as it is not too much and rest of the time only healthy food has to be chosen.
♦ Consume fish oil: This is known to burn excessive fat and provide with all the necessary fatty acids.
♦ Make breakfast compulsory: Breakfast has to be eaten just after an hour from when you wake up and if there is not much time left for breakfast go with nuts and fresh fruits.
Say no to heavy meals after 8 pm: Do not entertain heavy meals in the evening especially if the body is having a feeling of being slow down.
Apart from the changes made to diet it is also necessary to indulge in physical activity which also has to be done in smarter way rather than getting it done in harder way. For those who are going to exercises should see that they will get more out of less rather than going with exercise throughout the day, hence here we give you moves to get flat belly which are known to work on the reduction of stress hormones in body which are known to mainly affect middle part of the body.
Breathing Squat:
This is a type of physical activity which is known to have positive results for those trying to get rid of their belly fat, for which the steps are given below that will ensure proper procedure to do this exercise.
♦ Slowly work this exercise which has to be repeated for about 10 minutes.
♦ Lower your bottom down as far as is possible after inhaling through nose after waiting for for some time exhale slowly then come back up while inhaling at the same time.
Energy Push:
This is the exercise which is known to be great for those suffering from digestion which needs breathing to be done slowly and repeated for 20 times.
♦Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms in front while the palms are facing down.
♦ Inhale while pulling the hands back towards shoulder.
♦ Exhale while pushing the arms back into its starting position.
Leg Tuck:
This physical exercise is known to work great for those who want to attain lower abs which has to be repeated 10 times.
♦ Lie down on the back with feet on floor while the knees are bent
♦ Inhale and then bring knees into chest while exhaling at the same time.
♦ Inhale once again while returning the feet onto floor.
Here is a 7 day plan which will help in losing weight and is suggested to begin on weekend that also provides with sufficient time to get everything all set to go on a
weight loss regime that can be proceeded for two weeks.
So here goes the plan:
Day 1:
Breakfast: Prepare omelet with three egg whites and fill it with 75g of spinach and pepper mixture.
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced red pepper with 100g chicken
Lunch: Salad made from grilled chicken breast, red pepper, mixed salad leaves, ¼ tbsp olive oil and green beans.
Mid-afternoon snack: ¼ sliced cucumber with 100g turkey breast
Dinner: Steamed broccoli with 100g grilled chicken breast
Day 2:
Breakfast: Stir-fried Kale with baked chicken breast
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced green pepper with 100g turkey breast
Lunch: Mixed green salad with ½ tbsp olive oil with baked haddock fillet
Mid-afternoon snack: 75g steamed broccoli with 100g turkey breast
Dinner: Salmon steak accompanied by steamed green beans and chopped dill
Day 3:
Breakfast: Spinach with 100g smoked Salmon
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced yellow pepper with 100g chicken breast
Lunch: Garden salad with ½ tbsp olive oil with one grilled chicken breast
Mid-afternoon snack: ¼ avocado with 100g turkey slices
Dinner: Steamed spinach, broccoli with cutlets or grilled lamb steak
Day 4:
Breakfast: Green beans, tomatoes and Scrambled eggs made with one whole and two whites
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced cucumbers with 100g turkey slices
Lunch: Salad, ½ tbsp olive oil, spinach, baked cod fillet, tomato
Mid-afternoon snack: ½ grilled courgette and 100g chicken breast
Dinner: ½ tbsp oil with green veg and stir fried 100g chicken breast
Day 5:
Breakfast: ¼ sliced avocado with ¼ sliced cucumber and 200g turkey breast
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced red pepper with two boiled eggs
Lunch: Mixed green salad with ½ tbsp olive oil, tomatoes and 150g grilled prawns
Mid-afternoon snack: Five almonds with 100g turkey breast
Dinner: Steamed broccoli with 100g chicken breast
Day 6:
Breakfast: Roasted courgettes and peppers with grilled haddock fillet
Mid-morning snack: Sliced tomato with 100g chicken
Lunch: Green salad with ½ tbsp olive oil and steamed broccoli accompanied by 150g turkey
Mid-afternoon snack: 5 pecan nuts with 100g chicken
Dinner: steamed broccoli, green beans with 150g to 200g steak
Day 7:
Breakfast: Steamed spinach, grilled tomatoes and omelette with three egg whites
Mid-morning snack: 5 Brazil nuts with 100g turkey
Lunch: Steamed asparagus, green salad with 150g chicken breast
Mid-afternoon snack: ¼ sliced cucumber with 100g turkey
Dinner: Steamed broccoli or orientals with grilled duck breast