Anyone who’s ever spent the better part of their Sunday in a pancake-induced coma/state of despair knows there’s a definite link between what you eat and how you feel.
Which probably means you also know that there’s a link between your nutrition and your sex life. Husband-and-wife team Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Anna Maria Clement are experts on this very connection—and their book, 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality, explores everything from sex-boosting recipes to how to improve your fertility using food (more on that to come in another post!).
Some of their info stopped me in my tracks…or rather, in the middle of my dinner.
The bacon cheeseburger
The saturated fats you’ll find in most cheeses and fatty meats clogs your arteries…not exactly news to you. But did you know that the first arteries usually affected are the penal and vaginal arteries? They’re small, which means they quickly collect plaque—so even if you’re still looking svelte despite your close personal relationship with the McDonald’s drive-through guy, your sex life might be suffering. Not to mention, has anyone ever felt particularly sexy after polishing off a giant burger?
The saturated fats you’ll find in most cheeses and fatty meats clogs your arteries…not exactly news to you. But did you know that the first arteries usually affected are the penal and vaginal arteries? They’re small, which means they quickly collect plaque—so even if you’re still looking svelte despite your close personal relationship with the McDonald’s drive-through guy, your sex life might be suffering. Not to mention, has anyone ever felt particularly sexy after polishing off a giant burger?
Related: 4 Surprising Effects of Fast Food
That box of grab-and-go muffins
That box of grab-and-go muffins
Let’s face it, you’ve probably never heard a good word about trans fats…and processed baked goods are loaded with them. In addition to clogging arteries, trans fats have also been linked to reduced testosterone levels (which means lower sex drive).
Let’s face it, you’ve probably never heard a good word about trans fats…and processed baked goods are loaded with them. In addition to clogging arteries, trans fats have also been linked to reduced testosterone levels (which means lower sex drive).
Related: Top 12 Dangerous Muffins
Your soy latte
Your soy latte
Soy-based products are high in estrogen, which can cause male sex drive to take a nosedive. Rumor even has it that Buddhist monks eat tofu to help curb their sex drives! And it’ll affect more than just how lusty your guy is feeling…it may also affect your chances of having a baby: a 2008 study in the Human Reproduction journal found that soy can lower sperm count.
Soy-based products are high in estrogen, which can cause male sex drive to take a nosedive. Rumor even has it that Buddhist monks eat tofu to help curb their sex drives! And it’ll affect more than just how lusty your guy is feeling…it may also affect your chances of having a baby: a 2008 study in the Human Reproduction journal found that soy can lower sperm count.
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