Tuesday, 10 September 2013

5 Ways to Make the Most out of Your Vacation

5 Ways to Make the Most out of Your Vacation
Schedules. Stop making daily plans for a couple of days. Try to fly by the seat of your pants for a day or two. We often over-plan our vacations to the extent that it becomes stressful to stay on track. Now, how is that fun and rejuvenating?
Your car. Yeah, you probably need your car to get to the hotel, plane, et cetera. But, once you’re there, ditch it. Sure, you could drive down to the beach, but your car is just insulating you from new and exciting experiences. Instead, try to bike, skate, canoe, walk, or jog everywhere as much as possible. Not only will you feel great, but you will be helping the earth AND opening yourself up for new experiences and opportunities.
Your diet. Leave your meat-and-potatoes meals at the bus stop. A vacation is the time to get outside of your comfort zone. Try to adopt local customs and try different cuisines when you are vacationing. Who knows, you may discover your new favorite food! Just going to the beach? Try something you’ve never had before, even if it is as commonplace as a new flavor of ice cream.
Electronics. Everyone knows this one. Unplugging for a couple of days can reboot your system, so to speak. Electronics are stressful because they force us to multitask — an unnatural activity. Shut down your iLife for a couple of days, and remember what the world looks like beyond the retina screen. Who knows what wonders you will rediscover beyond the plugs?
Playing it safe. Take risks that you don’t normally take. Try a new activity, like rock climbing, or go out and meet new people. Maybe eat some spicy food. The risk doesn’t have to be dangerous, per say, but it should be beyond your comfort zone. It will pay off.
Go enjoy the last rays of summer and make the most of them. One great experience can alter your perspective on life and improve your future.


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