Friday, 20 September 2013

Why Do People Think Milking is Cool?

Milking: The Newest Form of Complete Stupidity

It baffles me as to why anyone would think "milking" is cool. It's literally the stupidest thing I've ever seen, and I've seen and done a lot of stupid stuff. How is the idea of pouring a gallon of milk over your head even funny? Answer: it's not. It's dumb, and if you think it's amusing, you should've been locked up in a mental institution years ago.
At least planking was sort of clever. This idea could only have come from the lowest, smelliest spot in the bowels of human intelligence. The scum of the earth, if you will. If this thing catches on, there is no hope.
Click through for some more reasons that milking is the most pathetic excuse for a prank in the history of time.
Woman pouring milk on her face

Diabetes drink

Diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. If you are diabetic, it means that there is an excessive amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA): “25.8 million children and adults in the United States 8.3% of the population have diabetes.” If you have diabetes you should make sure to avoid foods that are high in sugar.

Including certain foods in your diet can help reduce the risk of complications with diabetes.
As a general rule: Limit intake of fruits juices and/or smoothies. They contain large amounts of glucose and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Opt for vegetable juices instead that contain leafy greens, tomatoes and celery to name a few. But make sure your selection of vegetables is low in sugar. Vegetables also contain sugar.
The vegetable juices for both types 1 and 2 should be a part of a diabetes diet, and if fruits are included it should be checked by a dietician or a physician. All fruit juices contain carbohydrates, and carbs are not recommended.
This diabetic drink is vegetable-based. Carrots are a great food choice for people with type 2 diabetes. They fall into the non-starchy vegetable group and are low in carbohydrates than most foods.
Tomatoes are a good choice for diabetics as they are low in carbs and control the amount of sugar in urine.
Beetroot is recommended for diabetic patients when eaten raw. Though high in sugars, beetroot does not result in high glucose concentration in the blood of diabetic patients. The maximum health benefits of beetroot for diabetics is before or after a meal.


1 carrot peeled
1 tomato blanched
1/2 beetroot peeled
Juice of 1 lemon
A dash of Himalayan Pink salt
Note: you may add a peeled cucumber or 3 sprigs of celery
As always: Consult your health practitioner before changing or including anything new to your diet.


1. Fruits Lowest in Sugar:
Lemon and Lime

2. Fruits Low to Medium in Sugar:

Casaba Melon
Honeydew melons
Apricots (fresh, never dried)

3. Fruits with Medium-High Sugar Content:


4. Fruits with Highest Sugar Content:


How many calories is really in that drink?

You never stop to think how many calories are in some of your fave drinks. Think twice before you sip!
How many calories is really in that drink?

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Benefits Of Cycling

Vital Health Information In Pictures

14 Best Vegetables

Vital Health Information In Pictures

Medical Freaks

Vital Health Information In Pictures

Benefits Of Drinking Milk

Vital Health Information In Pictures

Top Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolates !

Vital Health Information In Pictures

Reflexology Chart

Vital Health Information In Pictures

Thursday, 12 September 2013

3 Foods That May Be Ruining Your Sex Life

3 Foods That May Be Ruining Your Sex Life

Anyone who’s ever spent the better part of their Sunday in a pancake-induced coma/state of despair knows there’s a definite link between what you eat and how you feel.
Which probably means you also know that there’s a link between your nutrition and your sex life. Husband-and-wife team Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Anna Maria Clement are experts on this very connection—and their book, 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality, explores everything from sex-boosting recipes to how to improve your fertility using food (more on that to come in another post!).
Some of their info stopped me in my tracks…or rather, in the middle of my dinner.

The bacon cheeseburger
The saturated fats you’ll find in most cheeses and fatty meats clogs your arteries…not exactly news to you. But did you know that the first arteries usually affected are the penal and vaginal arteries? They’re small, which means they quickly collect plaque—so even if you’re still looking svelte despite your close personal relationship with the McDonald’s drive-through guy, your sex life might be suffering. Not to mention, has anyone ever felt particularly sexy after polishing off a giant burger?
That box of grab-and-go muffins
Let’s face it, you’ve probably never heard a good word about trans fats…and processed baked goods are loaded with them. In addition to clogging arteries, trans fats have also been linked to reduced testosterone levels (which means lower sex drive).
Your soy latte
Soy-based products are high in estrogen, which can cause male sex drive to take a nosedive. Rumor even has it that Buddhist monks eat tofu to help curb their sex drives! And it’ll affect more than just how lusty your guy is feeling…it may also affect your chances of having a baby: a 2008 study in the Human Reproduction journal found that soy can lower sperm count.

What Are the Health Benefits of Orgasms?

young couple in bed

Stress Reduction

Orgasms allow your body to produce oxytocin, a cuddling hormone that also is a fantastic stress reliever. The amount of oxytocin released by the pituitary gland reaches its height a few minutes after ejaculation.
couple making love

Lower Blood Pressure

Many studies have found that frequent orgasms are great for your heart health. For women in particular, orgasms help reduce blood pressure levels.


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

10 Foods Guaranteed To Make You Fat

sugar lips

The figures are shocking:
  • 2/3 Americans over age 20 are overweight
  • Nearly 1/3 of Americans over age 20 are obese
  • Worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since 1980.
Obesity is now classified as a disease by the American Medical Association (AMA).
See how many people become obese every second: World Meters Info Obesity
Eric Schlosser in his book “Fast Food Nation” says that the annual health care costs in the United States from obesity is close to $240 billion.
We can’t afford to be overweight and obese. Let’s learn how to do something about this now! Start with learning which foods make us fat.

10 Foods Guaranteed To Make You Fat10 Foods Guaranteed to Make You Fat
1. Artificial Sweeteners:
Diet soda does have less calories and less sugar than regular soda. This doesn’t mean it’s healthy. A study found that people who drank two or more diet sodas a day had six times the waistline compared to those who skip the diet cola.
Research has also shown that NutraSweet, one of the most popular artificial sweeteners, leads to the same surge of insulin as white carbs (see No 7 food below) –- because of sweetness detectors in the small intestine.

2.  White sugar is full of calories that sabotage healthy eating and prime your palate to crave sweets.
The world is filled with sugar addicts. When our blood sugars are high we are high. When our blood sugar is low, we feel totally run down and exhausted and want more sugar. Sugar has no vitamins or minerals, just lots of fat-building calories. Watch out for hidden sugars!
3. Cheese can be a fattening food.
It contains a large amount of fat and is hard to digest. (a deadly combination)
Poor digestion causes weight gain! Fat has nine calories per gram, protein and carbohydrates have only four.
The most fattening food in the world is considered to be cheese fries.
4. Gluten rich foods are fattening but so are most common gluten free packaged products.
Read the labels; they are full of starch and sugar. A study discovered that it was easy to eat too many slices of bread in one sitting.
All forms were found to be fattening.  Every serving of fries eaten in a day was linked to weight gain of more than three pounds, while eating an extra serving of potato chips led to a gain of 1.69 pounds.
6. Alcohol blocks the body from burning fat.
Alcohol increases the release of the hormone cortisol that breaks down muscle and retains fat. The loss of muscle can slowdown metabolism making it easier to gain weight. Also, alcohol causes a drop in testosterone in men, a hormone which helps burn fat.
Fat metabolism can be reduced by as much as 73 percent after only two drinks of vodka and lemonade in a one hour time period. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition). Alcohol dehydrates the body which needs to be hydrated to build muscle and burn fat.
7. White Carbs (white rice, pasta, white bread, and starches) are fattening because they are high glycemic index foods.
A study suggests that such carbs are a problem for people wanting to lose body fat. Findings show that consumption of the wrong carbs creates body fat.  Ludwig and his colleagues at Children’s Hospital Boston
8. Fats and Oils are fattening especially when they come as deep fried foods and baked goods.
Fats and oils also contain 120 calories per tablespoon.  Even olive oil has lots of calories even though it has significant health benefits.
9. Processed Foods are loaded with calories and almost no nutrients!
Diet microwave meals and frozen meals are high in sodium and calorie-rich fat to preserve flavor. Eating them causes you to retain water in your arms and legs, leaving you puffy.
Research by the London University College team, suggests that a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression.
10. Processed meats (lunch meats, bacon, sausage, hot dogs) are high in calories, fat and sodium.
Sixty eight percent of bacon’s calories come from fat, almost half is saturated fat and each ounce has 30 milligrams of cholesterol.
Too much salt in your body leads to water retention and bloating. NO amount of processed meat is considered safe to eat, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.
We are the result of what we eat.
Let’s not short change our body with foods high in fat, sugar, and chemicals. If you are still eating many of the foods listed above, simply start decreasing the quantity until you are in control. (Every bit helps!)
How do you decrease the “bad” foods. It’s simple. Increase the GOOD ones!
Everyone already know the good foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and quality proteins. If you needed to choose the best food group, it would be vegetables.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Sexual Dysfunction’s Underlying Cause

Sexual Dysfunction’s Underlying Cause

My favorite thing to do is teach and last weekend I was lucky to have the chance to give a presentation to 50 physicians about working with their patients’ sexual dysfunction issues. I thought it would be easy since I spend so much of my days thinking, researching and talking about ways to become more sexually healthy, but in fact I was surprised how much I still had to learn as I was obliged to organize my rambling knowledge into a cohesive 90 minute talk. It is daunting to cover the vast swaths of dysfunction that make up the landscape of so many people’s experience with their sexuality. Pain with sex is almost more common than not in a lifetime and the silence that overwhelms the symptoms makes healing through education all the more difficult.
One of the most enlightening aspects of educating ourselves about our sexuality is that just as in other areas of cognition, what we don’t know about or have language to describe disappears from view. It turns out that this is precisely the case when it comes to the largely unknown anatomical structures of the internal clitoral organ system. Contrary to popular belief, the clitoris is not just a small button that sits on the top of the vagina — the external glans, containing over 8000 nerve endings and connected to 15,000 more throughout the pelvis is the proverbial tip of the iceberg. In fact the clitoral organ structure closely resembles the male sexual structures with long legs that reach deep into the vagina.
It wasn’t until the 1990s that research was done that elevated the clitoris from an external place to an internal organ system and not until 2011 that we had an accurate sonographic image. So even today, most women have yet to discover this complex and profound organ system they are carrying around. One of the researchers Dr. Pierre Foldes duly noted the truth that these internal organ systems only exist for women who know they are there and are working at cultivating their sensitivity … Thus the long standing arguments about the veracity of the g-spot.
This lack of self knowledge about our sexual selves and the complexity of our sexual functioning is not limited to the clitoral anatomy. There are almost as many men who struggle to control their ejaculations and ability to have an erection as there are women who suffer with a range of constriction and dryness issues that make sex painfully disappointing. It is the utter silence and discomfort about breaking our silence that keeps us locked away from the healing sexual capacity that lives in each of us.
Here is the takeaway: we cannot begin to evolve in places that remain hidden.  The solution to almost all sexual dysfunction begins with open dialogue, not suppression.
Replacing the archaic cloak of shame that has too long been associated with this aspect of humanity can only heal us. Anna Freud famously said, “Sex is something you do, sexuality is something you are.” Waking up sexually starts with breaking the societal barriers that are silencing your questions and desires. At least with the people you trust most deeply, dare yourself to wake up to the sexuality you are.

5 Ways to Make the Most out of Your Vacation

5 Ways to Make the Most out of Your Vacation
Schedules. Stop making daily plans for a couple of days. Try to fly by the seat of your pants for a day or two. We often over-plan our vacations to the extent that it becomes stressful to stay on track. Now, how is that fun and rejuvenating?
Your car. Yeah, you probably need your car to get to the hotel, plane, et cetera. But, once you’re there, ditch it. Sure, you could drive down to the beach, but your car is just insulating you from new and exciting experiences. Instead, try to bike, skate, canoe, walk, or jog everywhere as much as possible. Not only will you feel great, but you will be helping the earth AND opening yourself up for new experiences and opportunities.
Your diet. Leave your meat-and-potatoes meals at the bus stop. A vacation is the time to get outside of your comfort zone. Try to adopt local customs and try different cuisines when you are vacationing. Who knows, you may discover your new favorite food! Just going to the beach? Try something you’ve never had before, even if it is as commonplace as a new flavor of ice cream.
Electronics. Everyone knows this one. Unplugging for a couple of days can reboot your system, so to speak. Electronics are stressful because they force us to multitask — an unnatural activity. Shut down your iLife for a couple of days, and remember what the world looks like beyond the retina screen. Who knows what wonders you will rediscover beyond the plugs?
Playing it safe. Take risks that you don’t normally take. Try a new activity, like rock climbing, or go out and meet new people. Maybe eat some spicy food. The risk doesn’t have to be dangerous, per say, but it should be beyond your comfort zone. It will pay off.
Go enjoy the last rays of summer and make the most of them. One great experience can alter your perspective on life and improve your future.

Monday, 9 September 2013

7 Reasons Why You’re Still Waiting For Love

7 Reasons Why You’re Still Waiting For Love

1. Deep down, you may be really afraid. There are many reasons why you may be frightened of being in a committed relationship. What are those fears, exactly? Being rejected — again? Losing your autonomy? Being suffocated? Making another wrong choice? Opening your heart to love once more and having to deal with pain if it doesn’t work out?
Those fears can undermine our confidence and keep us from reaching out. However, this is only a serious problem if you are unaware of these fears. Once you begin to acknowledge and address these deeply-rooted issues, you can move forward and begin to engage in the kind of relationships you truly want. Begin with honest soul searching. Look closely at your past relationships. What happened? What conclusions did you draw? Look at your parents’ marriage. Would you want a marriage like theirs? It’s courageous to look at our fears and move forward in the face of their presence.
2. You may be more attached to your single life style than you are willing to admit. A long-term committed relationship requires you to change your ways. Perhaps you like that you can go where you want, when you want, and don’t wish to report to anyone about your choices. Perhaps you like the privacy of not having to include anyone else in your plans. Perhaps you’ve never considered the possibility that you could experience freedom in an intimate and committed relationship. It is possible, but first we have to believe it is so.
3. You’ve fallen prey to the scarcity belief! “There just aren’t that many good conscious, aware, available men or women out there.” It is so easy to get agreement and confirmation for this belief! Notice how quickly others will join in with this lament. However, with almost 7 billion people on the planet, half of them being the opposite sex, it is hard to imagine that there isn’t one that could be a good partner! Sometimes, we just have to challenge our beliefs.
4. You believe that all your previous relationships didn’t work because somehow you are missing that “relationship gene.” If we don’t have good experiences in relationships past (going back to the earliest ones as an infant), we can believe that relationship failures are somehow our fault, so we end up feeling inadequate. With this belief, not only does a person feel really terrible about not having a love relationship or losing a love relationship, they feel bad about themselves and who they are. It is important to remember we all bring strengths and weaknesses into our relationships. If we can learn from previous relationships, future relationships will be better.
5. The belief that when you find Mr. or Ms. Right, everything will flow easily from then on. Sometimes we think that challenges are a sign that this person is “just not right one for me.” You may not have found your perfect match if things are constantly difficult, but even great relationships have their share of challenges — especially in the early stages. There are many adjustments each will have to make, and sometimes they aren’t easy. Challenges are not necessarily an indication that it is a bad relationship. The other side of the coin is…
6. You want it so badly you just don’t see the warning signs. It can be really easy to go into denial when the desire for a partner is strong and you have been lonely for a while. If your friends are suggesting caution, pay attention. Look carefully! Does your partner pay attention to you and listen to you? How does your partner keep agreements? How does your partner treat others? Would you want a child to see him or her as a role model?
7. Like so many people, you believe you should have sex as soon as possible to see if you are compatible. The problem with this idea is that you quickly become emotionally entangled, especially if the sex is great. You then project your “ideal mate” expectations on this person. But you don’t really know who they are! It takes time to learn who a person is and what they value, to understand their character, to know how trustworthy they are.
It all takes time, and before you let yourself get so emotionally entangled, it is important to know who you are getting entangled with. Sometimes it works out, but often it doesn’t. When you discover that you really didn’t know this person, it hurts badly to become untangled… thus leaving you reluctant to try again with someone new. Take things slowly and minimize emotional fallout.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

These Are the Startling Consequences of Childhood Bullying

These Are the Startling Consequences of Childhood Bullying

Bullying, it turns out, causes so much more than hurt feelings. In fact, as new research is showing, it can have dramatic consequences well into adulthood. And it’s not just for the victims of bullying, either; bullies themselves, as well as children who are both bully and are bullied, also have similar lifelong problems.
The study, co-authored by Duke University School of Medicine associate professor William Copeland and Dieter Wolke, tracked 1,273 students from 1993, when they were 9 to 13 years old, until they reached 24 to 26 years old. The children who were involved in bullying in any way, roughly 1/3 of the participants, were more likely to have poor health, face financial difficulties, and have trouble in the workplace, school, and even in social relationships. And this just adds to the research published last year by the same team, which found that bullied children were more likely to suffer from mental illnesses as adults.
Even when researchers removed underlying circumstances, such as pre-existing family issues and psychiatric illnesses, the results  stayed the same. Though victims were far more likely to face negative consequences as adults, bullies themselves do not fare as well as adults who had no involvement in bullying whatsoever.
Bullying, the authors wrote, is so much more than, “a harmless, almost inevitable, part of growing up.” Wolke stresses that the ideas about bullying need to be changed because, “the effects are long-lasting and significant.”
So what are these startling consequences of bullying? Click to the next page for a breakdown of the study’s findings.
Victims of bullying are 6 times as likely to have a serious illness, like cancer or diabetes, and develop a serious psychiatric illness. Victims are much more likely to be at risk for suicide, too.
Risky Behavior.
Victims of bullying are six times as likely to smoke cigarettes as adults, four times as likely to have been charged with a felony, and more likely to smoke marijuana. Adults involved in bullying at all as children are also more likely to drop out of school and be obese.
Money & Work.
Children involved in bullying in any way are two times as likely to have difficulty maintaining a job and commit to saving money. Thus, they’re more likely to experience poverty in early adulthood.
Children involved in bullying in any way are more likely to have a harder time maintaining good ties with their parents or carrying on long friendships. Researchers did not find any impact on the likeliehood of getting married or having children, however.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

7 Surprising and Safe Uses for Sugar

7 Surprising — and Safe — Uses for Sugar

Health experts sometimes call it “white poison,” or “sweet killer.” And while I have an impossible-to-control sweet tooth, I do realize that sugar is best avoided if you want to stay trim, keep your blood pressure balanced and protect yourself from some major illnesses. Read more about the staggering dangers of sugar here.
But in this article, I just want to list the good uses to which sugar can be put. No danger to your health — just pure benefit!
Get rid of roaches.
Mix sugar with an equal amount of baking powder. The sugar will attract cockroaches, and the baking powder will damage their digestive system. Make sure the mixture is not kept anywhere close to small children or pets.
Keep your cakes fresh longer.
Sprinkle fine sugar over cakes, and they will retain their freshness for a longer time. Bonus: they taste better!
Help your flowers stay abloom.
Have a bunch of blossoms and want to make them last? Offer them a sweet treat: 3 tbsp sugar + 2 tbsp white vinegar + 1 quart warm water = happy flowers! The sugar feeds the stems and the vinegar restricts the growth of bacteria.
Clean your coffee grinder.
Sugar absorbs the smells of coffee and spice. Whirl some granulated sugar in your coffee grinder to get it ready for fresh use!
Quell a Burn.
Tongue on fire from a hot chile or overheated beverage? Suck on a sugar cube. It will soothe your scorched mouth instantly.
Refresh your skin.
The fact that sugar exfoliates is something we all know. But mix it with a mashed banana that has turned overripe, and the scrub turns even more effective. A simpler way is to mix sugar with olive or almond oil, and apply it all over your skin, then step into the shower to get rid of the dead cells and emerge radiant!
Heal a wound.
A study shows that pouring granulated sugar on to bed sores, leg ulcers or amputations before dressing can kill the bacteria that prevents healing and causes chronic pain. The secret: Bacteria need water to survive but sugar draws water from the wound into the dressing.


Anti-Cancer Apples

Anti-Cancer Apples

Over the last decade, a host of studies have been done on the anti-cancer properties of apples. Many of these studies have made headlines by producing surprising and favorable results.
Although most of the studies done thus far have focused on specific chemical compounds or nutrients in apples, when we look at the nutrients studied together we get a clearer picture of apples as anti-cancer powerhouses.
Due to the weight of mounting evidence for apples’ anti-cancer properties, they have been added to the American Institute of Cancer Research’s “Foods That fight Cancer” list.
Aspects of apples studied in relationship to anti-cancer properties and other disease prevention:
-       Vitamin C (antioxidant)
-       Fiber/Pectin (cleansing, lowering cholesterol)
-       Flavonoids, such as quercetin (which slow development of cancers of the colon, lung and breast.)
-       Triterpenoids, found in the peels of apples (which inhibit or kill cancer cells)
-       Oligosaccharides (which kill cancer cells)

Along with these anti-cancer benefits, apples may also help ward off strokes and give you better lungs. If I were an apple grower I would get planting, or rather grafting!
Although it’s become a common saying, don’t just expect to “eat an apple and keep the doctor away,” regardless of the rest of your diet and lifestyle. Just as viewing an apple’s multiple beneficial nutrients together gives a much clearer picture of its anti-cancer properties, when we think about our health it’s best to look at our diets and lifestyles as a whole…
For compassion, for ethics, for the environment, for the phytochemicals, whole foods and plant-based is the way to go!

Shocking Ingredients in McDonald’s French Fries

Shocking Ingredients in McDonald’s French Fries

It would be fair to assume that there are three ingredients in McDonald’s French fries:  potatoes, oil, and salt.  But if you assumed that you’d be far from correct.
Starting last year McDonald’s began a transparency campaign most likely to create a more health- and consumer-conscious image of the corporation.  As a result the company has made their ingredient lists and processing techniques available on their website. Out of curiosity, I had to know exactly what is in those fries.
It turns out that there are 17 ingredients in MickeyD’s French fries!  They contain:
-Potatoes (whew! I’m glad that was the first ingredient)
-Canola oil—Most canola oil is now genetically-modified.
-Hydrogenated soybean oil—Like canola oil, most soybean oil is now extracted from genetically-modified soybeans. Plus the hydrogenation process makes the oil more saturated than it would be in its natural form, and unhealthy.
-Safflower oil—Believed to be a healthier cooking oil, most safflower is unfortunately heated to high temperatures long before it is ever used for cooking, causing it to be chemically-altered from the heat, and a source of inflammation in the body when that is the case.
-”Natural flavor”—McDonald’s natural flavor is apparently obtained from a vegetable source, but the “natural” moniker means nothing since it can even potentially contain the nerve- and brain-toxin monosodium glutamate (MSG).
-Dextrose—a type of sugar.
-Sodium acid pyrophosphate—This ingredient is apparently used to maintain the color of the fries.  On the chemical industry’s own safety data sheets it is listed as hazardous for ingestion, which is exactly what you’ll be doing if you eat those French fries.
-Citric acid—used as a preservative.
-Dimethylpolysiloxane—used as an anti-foaming agent, this industrial chemical is typically used in caulking and sealants and comes with a list of safety concerns.
-Vegetable oil for frying, which is a blend of 7 ingredients, including:  canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil with tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), citric acid, and dimethylpolysiloxane.  We discussed most of these ingredients above.  Corn oil, like its canola and soybean counterparts is now primarily made of genetically-modified corn.
TBHQ is a petroleum-based, butane-like (yes, that’s lighter fluid!) ingredient used as a preservative.  It has been linked to asthma, skin conditions, hormone disruption, and in long-term animal studies to cancer and damage to DNA.
Contrary to what McDonald’s may claim in its slogan, I’m NOT lovin’ it!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Steamy Sex Positions to Heat Up Your Weekend

Steamy Sex Positions to Heat Up Your Weekend

Interested in some new moves? Here are five we recommend when you want to add some ooomph to your O. You might not love every single one, but hopefully you’ll use birth control, get it on, and have fun trying them out.
On The Edge (also known as the Furniture Position)
Skill level: Simple and laid back
You sit on the edge of a bed, couch, or chair. He gets on his knees, in between your thighs, and you go from there. Bonus: Is it hot out? This is fun to try with you on the edge of a swimming pool.
The Jellyfish
Skill level: Easy squeezie, but good balance is required
This is a face to face, girl on top position. Bonus: This one makes it very easy for you two to sync your movement which could lead to simultaneous orgasms.
The Arch
Skill level: Intermediate
This position proves that sex counts as fitness. Your legs and glutes are going to get a serious workout.
The Reverse Piledriver
Skill level: Intermediate
This is just like 69, but the guy’s on top. Your comfort is very important, so make sure he keeps his enthusiasm in check, if you know what we mean.
Sitting 69
Skill level: Advanced
You’re upside down. He’s holding you up. Warning: He’ll need to be strong enough to safely support you. (It’s all fun and orgasms until he drops you on your head.)


12 Baby Steps to Better Nutrition

Most of us think that making a  commitment to healthier eating means cutting out our favorite foods and depriving ourselves of the stuff we love most. Actually, the opposite is true. Eating right is all about expanding your food choices, so you bring more options to the table, so to speak, and consume a more balanced (yet still delicious) variety that delivers the crucial nutrients your body craves without depriving yourself, says Lauren Schmitt, RD, a busy mom, registered dietitian, and owner of Healthy Eating and Training, a food counseling center in Los Angeles.
Need some convincing? Try some of these sneaky nutrition-boosting strategies, which Schmitt recommends to her clients. Some have to do with shopping choices, others are simple food prep and serving techniques even non-cooks can master. They’ll help you and your family feel fitter, have more energy, and never again equate a healthy diet with deprivation again.
1. Rearrange Your Plate
When most of us picture a meal comprised of meat, veggies, and a starch, we imagine meat taking up the biggest portion of the plate. But studies consistently show that eating less meat and more plant food is linked to a longer, healthier life. So flip that image in your mind and start making food grown in the ground your main course. You’ll still be eating the same things, but the healthier ratio will slash calories and fat.
2. Go a Little (Wal)nuts
Every time you munch on a walnut, you consume nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids that are believed to protect against cancer and heart disease. Eat them raw, crumble them over a salad or dessert, or buy them chopped and add them to breading for chicken or fish.
3. Eat Adventurously
It’s easy to stick to your favorite meal staples—but why not explore your local market and vow to sample an exotic new fruit, seafood, or other product once a week? Grocery stores carry an amazing assortment of choices these days from all over the world and discover new favorites to accompany your old standbys.
4. Sneak in Spinach
Raw spinach can go pretty much any place you usually put lettuce (such as BLTs, burgers, salads, tacos), and taste-wise, it’s hard to know the difference. But your body will thank you for the laundry list of powerful nutrients the darker green leaf delivers. In addition to being an excellent source of several vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, spinach has been shown to have cancer-fighting properties.
5. Sprinkle on Cinnamon
This breakfast-friendly spice is packed with lots of disease-fighting antioxidants and can even cut down on  inflammation associated with body aches and illnesses. Oatmeal, cold cereal, granola, toast, your latte… they’ll all taste better with a little cinnamon dashed on top, but there’s no extra calories.
6. Buy Produce That’s Already Prepped
They’re a little pricier, but fruits and veggies that have been prewashed and precut can mean the difference between the good stuff making it into your mouth vs. sitting in a crisper drawer. Containers of cut-up fruits like pineapple, watermelon, and grapes are perfect as snacks or a side dish with your lunch, and kids love them too. Plus, veggies that are already peeled, chopped, and packaged in microwave steamer bags can be added to your evening meal instantly.
7. Toss in a Turnip
Making mashed potatoes? Alone, the taters pack vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium, but smashing a turnip into the mix raises the level of vitamin C even higher, plus adds antioxidants and vitamin A. If you chop the greens from the top of the turnip and throw those in to the dish too, you’ll get good-for-you calcium, copper, and iron.
8. Make Room for Mushrooms
Next time you’re sautéing ground beef, use a little less meat and fill out the pan with a handful of mushrooms. Not only will you decrease the amount of total fat and cholesterol in your meal, you’ll be gaining Vitamin D—a nutrient that’s relatively rare in food—plus lots of superhero antioxidants. You can also easily sauté mushrooms in olive oil and add them to canned spaghetti sauce or sprinkle a bunch to health up a frozen cheese pizza.
9. Do a Dip
If your family is full of stubborn veggie-avoiders, dips are a great solution. Salsa, hummus, guacamole, white bean, spinach, and avocado dips are all made from vegetables or legumes blended in a food processor. When scooped up on tortilla or pita chips, the anti-vegetable crowd won’t realize they’re actually consuming plant food—and reaping the high nutritional content too.
10. Cook Carrots Whole
Boosting nutrition doesn’t get much easier than this: Instead of chopping carrots before you put them in the oven or on a stove-top pan, slice them after they’ve been cooked. Researchers in the UK found that doing this will raise their antioxidant content by as much as 25 percent. The reason: chopping them beforehand increases the amount of exposed surface area, and that allows more nutrients to escape during cooking.
11. Opt for Organic
The jury is still out as to whether or not eating organic will make you healthier, but most people agree that certain organic fruits and vegetables (apples, strawberries and tomatoes in particular) pack more flavor than their conventionally grown counterparts—and are therefore way more fun to eat. The same goes for farmer’s market produce. If your typical response to biting into a tomato is “eh,” sink your teeth into an organic heirloom one, and you’ll be in for a scrumptious surprise.
12. Pop Open a Can of Pumpkin
Check the very back of your cabinets—you probably already have a few cans of pumpkin left over from last  Thanksgiving. By adding a cup of the low-calorie, fiber-rich puree to any pancake or muffin batter, or even using it to replace half the oil in brownie batter, you’ll be scoring Vitamins A, C, and E, plus multiple disease-fighting antioxidants. And pumpkin flavor gives a nice natural sweetness kids love.


5 Crazy Facts About Semen

5 Crazy Facts About Semen
If you’re getting it on with a guy, you’re dealing with semen. Why not get to know it better?
1. Mood
There are a ton of mood-enhancing chemicals in semen and the vagina can absorb them. Cortisol increases affection. Estrone and Oxytocin elevate mood. Prolactin and Thyrotropin-releasing hormones are natural antidepressants. Melatonin helps regulate sleep. And Serotonin makes you feel happy. But please don’t try to fight depression with it. It doesn’t quite work like that.

2. Flavor
Smoking can make semen taste bad. Eating too much cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, garlic, onions, meat, curry, and fish can make it taste bitter or salty. Even coffee and beer can throw the taste off.
To make semen taste better, a guy should drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables, especially pineapple, celery, watermelon, apples, kiwi, cranberries, blueberries, plums, parsley, and papaya.
3. Calories
A man will ejaculate about 18 quarts of semen over his lifetime and the average volume per ejaculation is about one teaspoon. That amount contains approximately 5 to 25 calories. And 300,000,000 to 500,000,000 sperm! (Another reason why you should use birth control every single time you have sex.)
4. Smile
Semen contains zinc and calcium, both of which prevent tooth decay. But don’t use it to whiten your teeth. That’s a myth and it won’t work.
5. Babies
When a guy ejaculates, the average speed of his semen is 31 mph and it shoots about 7 to 10 inches. Semen contains sperm. Sperm can live up to 5 days in your body. When his sperm reach your egg, it’s possible to make a baby. If you’re not ready for a baby, there are lots of birth control options for you.
And remember that semen can carry HIV and STIs. Before he lets loose, have a talk about your HIV and STI status, and make sure your birth control is fully functioning too.

10 Useful Garlic Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

    10 Useful Garlic Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

“Since garlic then hath powers to save from death, Bear with it though it makes unsavory breath.”
Salerno Regimen of Health (12th century)
  • Raw, freshly minced garlic has the most health benefits. If you cannot stand the smell and must cook it, you need at least four and a half cloves to get the same effect.
  • Although garlic is sometimes called “the stinking rose,” it can actually cure your rose plants from aphid attacks. Simply mix crushed garlic with water and spritz the leaves and flowers with the spray.
  • Drinking lemon juice or eating a few slices of lemon will stop bad garlic breath.
  • The flavor of garlic is most intense just after it has been minced.
  • Garlic applied on wounds can heal them faster. During World War I, this healing quality of garlic was harnessed intensively by British soldiers.
  • A crushed clove of raw garlic, gently rubbed on skin, can zap a pesky pimple. The secret: a powerful compound called allicin, which makes garlic among the most antioxidant-rich foods on earth.
  • Sprouted garlic loses some of its health benefits, but can still be used.
  • A Pennsylvania University research found that a compound called Diallyl disulfide in garlic could shrink bowel cancer cells. An important Washington State University study has conclusively proved that this compound is 100 times more effective than other antibiotics in easing bacteria-borne digestive ailments.
  • What’s the ideal dosage of garlic for you to derive all its amazing health benefits? The University of Maryland Medical Center, recommends daily 2 to 4 g of fresh, minced garlic clove; 600 to 1,200 mg daily if using aged garlic extract; two 200 mg tablets three times a day if using freeze-dried garlic; 4 ml daily of fluid garlic extract; 20 mL daily of garlic tincture or 0.03 to 0.12 ml three times daily if using garlic oil.
  • Not all is good about garlic and it is certainly not for everyone. Those on blood-thinning medication must not take garlic, because it inhibits the clotting of blood. For the same reason, garlic should not be taken before a surgery.


The Shocking Truth About Protein Bars, Shakes & ‘Enhanced’ Foods

The Shocking Truth About Protein Bars, Shakes & ‘Enhanced’ Foods

“Protein-enhanced” is the new catch-all phrase by food and beverage manufacturers. Everywhere I turn I see another product boasting that it contains protein. But is this growing trend actually beneficial? Not only is it not beneficial, it may actually be harmful, for multiple reasons.  Here are nine reasons to be cautious of protein bars, shakes, and other protein-enhanced foods:
1.  Adding protein to a food changes its natural composition.  If it was a whole food to start with it really isn’t any longer.  If it was a processed food then it goes through an additional stage of processing.
2.  Most of the “protein” added to everything from bars, shakes, cereals, and even water is actually a form of protein called a protein isolate, many of which contain the harmful toxin monosodium glutamate (MSG)—a well-documented neurotoxin. Russel L. Blaylock, M.D., neurosurgeon, author of Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, spent years researching the effects of MSG and discovered its link to many diseases.
3.  Products like protein bars and cereals often contain added protein in the form of textured vegetable protein (TVP), hydrolyzed vegetable protein, or hydrolyzed plant protein, all of which usually contain MSG. Additionally, most of these food ingredients are derived from genetically-modified (GM) soy, which is drawing increasing attention as a possible contributor to health problems. Discover more about the problems of genetically-modified soy from the book Seeds of Deception.
4.  Even water can’t seem to escape the “protein-enhancement” trend. As absurd as it sounds to add protein to water, it is becoming common, particularly in flavored water.  Adding protein to water usually means masking the flavor with an artificial sweetener and flavor, neither of which is suitable for consumption. Water, in its natural state, should be alkaline so it can help rehydrate our body’s cells and help flush the kidneys. Flavored, “protein-enhanced” water is acid-forming, causing the kidneys to work harder to eliminate the excess acidity and chemical ingredients. There’s a reason flavored “protein-enhanced” water doesn’t flow through our lakes and rivers.
5.  Most protein bars and protein-enhanced cereals contain soy protein isolate, the problems with which I’ve already discussed.  Additionally, manufacturers usually add more sugar or artificial sweeteners to mask the taste.
6.  Most protein bars that contain nuts or seeds already contain protein in its natural form—as a whole food.  Adding more protein is redundant.
7.  Protein-enhanced breads are often spiked with extra gluten and/or protein isolates.  We already discussed some of the issues of protein isolates but gluten is also a problem for many people and is linked to digestive disorders, celiac disease, and autoimmune disorders, to name a few.
8.  The average American eats 248 pounds of meat every year, or about 40 percent of his or her total caloric intake.  Our much healthier ancestors, by comparison, ate only 5 percent of their calories from animal protein.  Most nutrition experts agree that we are eating excessive amounts of protein in our diet.  We certainly don’t need more added to foods and beverages.
9.  And, what do you think happens with excess protein in our diet?  It converts to fat.  There aren’t too many protein-pushing corporations telling people that. But, it is part of nutrition 101.
While not all protein bars, shakes, and other food products are harmful, many are, so it is best to read labels and stay informed about many of the problems linked to them.  There are some excellent ones that rightfully deserve their place in a healthy diet but many do not.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Is Chocolate Good for You?

Is Chocolate Good for You?
There’s so much research out there saying how healthy chocolate is. I believe the research did not take into account all the sugar added to the chocolate treats that most people eat. This means that not only are we eating sugar that will depress our immune system, but we are adding fattening calories.
It’s true that cocoa powder in the dried form has beneficial effects:
1. Increased vascular reactivity.
2. Improved arterial compliance.
3. Increased HDL-C levels.
4. Decreased oxidation of LDL.
5. Reduced insulin resistance.
(According to Clinicaltrials at the University of Utah)
Notice this refers to cocoa powder which has no sugar of any type in it.
More Cocoa Health Benefits:
1. Lowers cholesterol, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2003. (The white chocolate consumers, the control group in this study, experienced no health benefits.)
2. It is good for your skin; the flavonoids found in dark chocolate offer some protection from UV damage.
3. May improve your ability to see in low-contrast situations, such as poor weather according to study, from England’s University of Reading in 2011.
4. The fiber in chocolate has been shown to reduce the rate of colorectal cancer. It may even slow dementia.
5. Cocoa has anti-clotting, blood-thinning properties (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).
6. It has been shown to repair liver cells after alcohol consumption!
7. It has been shown to help stimulate insulin, thus stopping the insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes.
8. The ingredient phenylethylamine that gives chocolate the reputation of being the ‘love food’ raises serotonin and dopamine level, which stimulates the nervous system, and even raises libido.
9. Could keep you from coughing, according to doctors at the British National Health Service.
10. Chocolate helps with Math, according study in Northumbria University in the UK.
11. Women who ate more than 45 grams of chocolate a week had a 20 percent lower risk of stroke than women who treated themselves to fewer than 9 grams of the sweet stuff, according to a 2011 Swedish study.
12. Chocolate eaters have lower stress levels finds Live Science Stress Study.
What is Cocoa and Where Does it Come From?
Cocoa comes from the Theobromo cacao evergreen tree which grows well the tropical rainforest. It is a small tree of 4–8 meters and does well in the shade of the larger trees.
Half of the cocoa bean is made of fat in the form of cocoa butter. Cocoa powder is the edible non-fat part of the cacao bean. Most of the fats in chocolate are saturated, but it also contains lots of the “good” fats: oleic and linoleic acids.
Nutritional Benefits of Cocoa:
  • Has one of the highest antioxidant concentration of any foods, in the form of the flavonoids: catechin and epicatechin.
  • Contains insoluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Full of magnesium, which helps soothe the nervous system, relax muscles, reduce PMS, and build teeth and bones.
  • Contains copper.
  • Has vitamin E and vitamin B.
Chocolate’s History:
  • Ceramic vessels containing cacao beverage residue have been found by archeologists dating back to 1900-900 BC. One such vessel found on the Gulf Coast of Veracruz, Mexico dates as early as 1750 BC.
  • 500 years ago cocoa was called the nectar of the gods.
  • Aztec Emperor Montezuma in the 16th century was an admirer of cocoa, calling it the divine drink which builds up resistance and fights fatigue.
  • “A cup of this precious drink permits a man to walk a whole day without food” ~ Hernan Corte’s/1519.
  • Later cocoa became a luxury item in Europe as an exotic drink and later used with sugar to make solid chocolates.
  • Cocoa was used as medicine for a long time; it wasn’t until 1930s that cocoa and chocolate became a sweet treat.
  • What I have found in my travels is, the European chocolates are darker which means they are richer in cocoa phenols than those made in North America.
I have “Chocolate Concerns.”  Is Chocolate as Healthy as Claimed?
We know that dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate due to its higher polyphenols and lower sugar content. Still, it is made with fat and sugar and those ingredients, as we know, are not good for the body. We regularly test individuals for dark chocolate and it always tests as energy draining.
Do not replace healthy foods such as fresh fruits with chocolate. One raw apple is only 52 calories and has added health benefits. A 100 gram serving of Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Bar has 531 calories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. You could eat 10 apples!
The serotonin and dopamine boost by chocolate is only temporary. Like any “high” it will come down, and it is better to enhance your mood with overall good nutrition and lifestyle.
“Our findings indicate that milk may interfere with the absorption of antioxidants from chocolate…and may therefore negate the potential health benefits that can be derived from eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate,” says Mauro Serafini, PhD, of Italy’s National Institute for Food and Nutrition Research in Rome.
Most cocoa studies are funded by chocolate manufacturers because that industry wants to sell you chocolate by convincing you of all the health properties of cocoa.
Most chocolate products are made with GMO cocoa beans. Make sure your chocolate is GMO free.
Today’s chocolate is made with a high fat and sugar content; this is what makes it not at all healthy. There is much evidence that the combination of fat and sugar is toxic to the body. It can cause insulin resistance, diabetes, inflammatory disorders and obesity, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. This combo has been found to activate the same receptors in the brain as cocaine. This is why there are so many chocoholics. It is addictive.
What Kind of Chocolate to Eat:
  • If buying chocolate, check the ingredients; do not buy it if it has refined sugar such as cane sugar, brown sugar, or fructose.
  • Also, stay away from chocolates made with sugar alcohol or artificial sweeteners; these have many toxic side effects.
  • Even the chocolate made with healthy sugars and fats is best taken in moderation.
  • Chocolate can fit into a healthy eating plan, but it is best to make your own chocolates for optimum health benefits.
  • Lastly, but extremely important: buy fair trade chocolate. There is “…a vast gulf between the children who eat chocolate on their way to school in North America and those who have no school at all, who must, from childhood, work to survive. The children who struggle to produce the small delights of life in the world I come from have never known such pleasure, and most likely, they never will.” – From Bitter Chocolate, by Carol Off
I have been making my own chocolate with healthy ingredients for a few years now and never buy or eat the commercially made stuff. Even the chocolate in health food stores is filled with unhealthy ingredients. All of my chocolate recipes are made with healthy sugars in small quantities.