Wakey Wakey, Eggs ‘n’ Bakey!
Back in 1962, Neil Sedaka sang that “Breaking Up is Hard To Do.” But as I’m hitting my snooze alarm for the 20th time and groaning at the thought of getting out from under the covers, I tend to think that he actually meant to saywaking.
How many of us have this problem?
The alarm goes off in the morning, and we proceed to:
- Turn it off, roll over, and go back to sleep.
- Audibly moan out of frustration.
- Hit the snooze alarm countless times.
It’s a tough situation to break free from, but is it possible to make getting out of bed and ready for the day an easier task?

Set Your Alarm Earlier
One trick that might help you wake up in the morning is to set your alarm for an earlier time! That way, when your fingers keep reaching for the snooze, you’ll eventually rise and shine at just the right time instead of oversleeping.
It will feel a bit like that glorious moment when you wake up in the middle of the night only to realize that you still have plenty of time left to sleep. It makes those last hours, or minutes, of sleep feel extra soothing.
It’s particularly nice because you’ll still get the satisfaction of sleeping in without actually doing the sleeping in. Brilliant!

Go To Bed Earlier
I know that this is the last piece of advice you wanted to get, but it’s true! If you go to bed earlier, you will feel more rested when morning arrives and it will be much easier to pry yourself out of your cave.
You don’t have to go to sleep ridiculously early to pull this off, though. Just try heading to bed a half hour to an hour before you normally would, and see how it feels. You’ll probably be so happy with the results that you won’t mind doing it again tomorrow!

Make Turning Off the Alarm More Challenging
If your main problem is the close proximity of the snooze button, make it a little harder to turn off your alarm! Try one of these options:
- Get an alarm that requires you to do a math problem or write a sentence before it stops beeping.
- Put your alarm clock or phone across the room, so you’re forced to get out of bed to turn it off.

Let the Sun Shine In
Don’t cover your windows with so many layers of curtains that the sun can’t possibly get in to disturb you. We’ve already established that you have trouble waking up, so why would you want to make it even easier to sleep in?
Unless you’re living in Alaska and the sun is up 24/7, keep your windows relatively clear. Buy basic blinds or sheer curtains that block out the outside world without creating a black hole in your bedroom. That way, you can get plenty of rest while the sun is down, but then greet the day when the sun fills your room with light

Eat Breakfast
Make it a habit to eat breakfast first thing in the morning! Once you start hopping out of bed at just the right time and heading straight for a healthy breakfast, it’ll become second nature and you won’t have to force it anymore.
On top of helping you wake up, you’ll be starting off with a solid, tasty breakfast that will help keep you awake and energized for the rest of the day. It’s a win-win!

Take An Immediate Shower
Right when your alarm goes off in the morning, jump out of bed and into the shower. Let the water wake you up! Instead of relaxing in bed, you can relax under the warm water instead. It feels great, and you’ll immediately feel more awake!
To make it even more effective, try listening to music in the shower! If you can find a place to hook up a music player that isn’t near any water (so you don’t get electrocuted), you can play some energizing music to help get your day started on the right foot.

Hire An Assistant
Has any effort on your own part failed and left you discouraged about your wake-up routine? Try getting help from a friend or family member! Find someone who will be awake before you need to start your day, and have them call you to wake you up.
Talking to someone is a surefire way to drag you out of your hibernation. After putting in the effort to hold a conversation, crawling out from under the covers will be the next obvious step!

Choose An Alarm That Gets You Going
If you have the possibility of choosing an alarm noise other than the typical ‘beep,’ pick something that will get you out of bed faster!
- Choose a song by an artist with a really shrill, high-pitched voice.
- Use one of your favorite dance tunes, so you can’t resist tapping your toes and singing along.
- Pick something loud and obnoxious that’s impossible to ignore